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ZAPPER STORE fight back to Coronavirus

Every day we are facing tens of questions if we have coronavirus mortal frequencies and if we have some solution to faight back to coronavirus …. so? Have we?

Coronaviruses are spreading throughout the world. They can infect people and animals. What is overhelming is not just them mainstreem news but also the fact that coronavirus is not acting like any other flu virus and it is quite dangerous. What is not publicly know is that all viruses can be beaten by their own mortal frequencies. We have already acquired frequencies to inactivate coronavirus, but do not have real infected people to test it in real life. So, if you know about anyone who is infected and proved to have active coronavirus infection, please let us know. We have more than one coronavirus solution, but we are trying to test the most effective one that suits to other viruses - mortal frequencies. We are part of coronavirus research in non-official search, but coronavirus protection is quite sensitive.

We have already positive results with fighting these viruses: Adenovirus, Human papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes Simples (HSV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and many others.

The best coronavirus zapper is Hulda Clark zapper Elzapp, but you can use also other types of frequency generators as a coronavirus coronavirus solution.



Coronavirus research - Covid-19



We are in very intensive research endeavour on Coronavirus these days to have proved solution for Covid 19.

We don't wait for possible unreliable coronavirus vaccines or any other coronavirus cure, as we already have great results with various viruses.


Our European customers / volunteers have already tested our brand new Hulda Clark zapper on Coronavirus infection with some nice results with our CAFL Coronavirus / Sars frequencies.

We have quite great results reported by our European customers / volunteers that have already tested our Quantum Harmony with very nice results with our Coronavirus frequencies.


Please support our work so we can gather more equipment, IT specialists, developers, scientist, doctors and rise our factory stock.

Yes, we are running out of stock and we are expecting to be partly of fully sold out in couple weeks from now.

Sales are skyrocketing but supplies of electronic parts from China and Japan, are stoped or delayed for now.

We are seeking for alternative devices to produce that could be still effective to be prepared for the upcoming wave of demand.

We also need to send our devices to medical research groups across the globe.



One of 1000+ Preselected CAFL Programs (CAFL) is Coronavirus/Sars (CAFL)

First tests made on Hulda Clark Zapper - Elzapp get some good results, but it wasn't 100% effective,

but still got some relief in the middle of the strongest suffering.


We have tested anohter set of frequencies with much better results and we are keeping on testing.

March 22nd 2020 - New Set of frequencies for CORONAVIRUS


You can support us by 50 USD or 100 USD and most of all please make BIG noise about that.


Our products can be used by independent researchers as an experimental devices.

Legal caution:
Our devices are NOT a medical devices and are NOT intended to treat any disease!