FREQUENCY GENERATOR GUIDE - Parasite zappers & Rife machines
FREQUENCY GENERATOR GUIDE - Parasite zappers & Rife machines
What is a Frequency generator?
In short term - Frequency generator is an electronic device that produces electric or electromagnetic impulses.
Usually, a Frequency generator for "Frequency therapy" is a Parasite Zapper (see the video below):
There are many other frequency generators that are also suitable for the frequency method.
Frequency generators could have positive (like zapper - see below) and/or negative waves (AC offset) signals.
Frequency generators could have square waves (like zapper - see below) and/or sine waves signals.
What is a frequency generator good for?
For those who prefer natural cure and therapy it is a way to solve health problems by eliminating common causes of most of all health problems that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
Hundreds of thousands of people are so pleased to meet this simple, fast and effective method of healing.
By meaning of frequency generator is usually meant frequency generator with sine waves signal (positive and negative AC offset).
What is a zapper?
This word is used for many meanings, but in term of frequency generator zapper produce specific kind of electric waves.
These waves are square waves and it should have a positive offset.
What is a parasite Zapper?
Parasite zapper is a frequency generator that produces square waves that are most suitable for elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.
The inventor of the parasite zapper was Hulda Clark with her son.
Hulda Clark was helping people for genuine reasons and she wrote books to give them the knowledge.
She never patented her invention - zapper so everyone has access to this technology.
What is basic zapper good for?
What is programmable zapper good for?
What is Hulda Clark Elzapp Zapper?
This Hulda Clark Zapper is fully programmable generator with the possibility of preselected programs.
It has almost unlimited memory space for all available frequencies and it is a smart phone size.
What is Hulda Clark Elzapp Zapper good for?
This user friendly Parasite Zapper it great for specific health problems with known protocol / frequencies. (Herpes, Asthma, Chicken pox, .....)Pros:
What is Super Ravo Zapper?
Super Ravo Zapper is Hulda Clark zapper. It is fully programmable with the possibility of preselected programs.
What is Super Ravo Zapper good for?
Super Ravo Zapper it great for specific health problems with known protocol / frequencies. (Herpes, Asthma, Chicken pox, .....)Pros:
What is a Frequency scanner?
What is a Frequency scanner good for?
What is Ramaloop?
Ramaloop is a radio-magnetic loop that produces electromagnetic waves in its surroundings.
It is an accessory device for any parasite zapper, so you do need to hold electrodes when receiving frequencies.
What is Ramaloop good for?
What is a Rife machine?

What is a plasma generator?
Plasma generator RPZ 15 - model year 2021.
What is a Plasma generator good for?
In general for any frequency therapy.
It produces wireless electromagnetic waves.
Great for non-specific viral influenza, viruses, bakteria, parasites.
Very effective device, many. many results so far
More expensive, very heavy, fragile for transportation
Not suitable for overnight therapies (lighting, sound of cooler)
What is Quantum Harmony?
Quantum Harmony is a frequency generator on quantum base level.
Main purpose was harmonization of the body-mind-soul complex.
Later on was added the function of frequency generator for elimination of pathogens.
It is a very art-of-the-state device for best results Elimination, Detox and Harmonization.

What is Quantum Harmony good for?
Quantum Harmony is great for home use as well as for professional use.
The cleanest technology so far, no - electromagnetic radiation, lights can be switched off over the night.
Absolutely quiet for overnight therapies. Great harmonization functions. Easy to load with preselected programs.
Must be connected to grid or 24V at the car, price tag is higher, not so effective for non-specific viral infections
What is bioresonance?
Bioresonace is a method using the fact that everything has its own frequency that resonates with the same frequency.
There are many bioresonance devices on the market that work with this technology.
Which device is the best?
Is a bioresonance device better than frequency generators or zapper?
Or opposite, is zapper better than a bioresonance device?
It is not so determined.
In fact there is no one device the best. So far (maybe one day).
For those that have no money at all it is better to make basic zapper for 5 dollars.